
时间:2024-09-17 18:18:14编辑:


  程世琦,1957 年 10 月生于内蒙古包头市,号道真、四方居士、黄河浪人、草原魂。师从著名书法家刘文奇先生。现任:中国书法家协会会员、世界青年文明论坛书画创作委员会委员、中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员;中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员;中国国际书画研究院副院长;人民美术报理事;中国书法家协会会员;中华书画学会副主席;中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术理事会副主席;中国传统文化发展委员会副主席;中国东方高级研究会艺术人才;长城魂当代诗书画协会名誉主席;东坡书画艺术研究院研究员;包头市书法家协会理事;包头市硬笔书法协会理事;书法家协会副主席;中国互联网联盟理事;中国盐城乔木故里书画协会客座教授;中国古文化艺术研究学会特邀学部委员;中国国画艺术研究院理事;特聘为曲阜鸿儒书画院终身副院长。作品入编多部典籍。在庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年,程世琦中国艺术功勋人物献礼建国 70 周年大阅兵,在人民报社里一起报刊面上。

  北京 2018 年全球华人,华侨春晚现场,程世琦有幸和著名中国书法家泰斗,权希军时年九十二岁,老师现场给徒弟程世琦指点,保利拍买制作书册,程世琦书画册,权老师现场给徒弟书画册指导,点评,未来发展,并在书册签名并合影留念,老爷子话语,铭记心中,未来传承人一代接一代传承创新。

  2022 年特邀编入出版, “中国美育档案”走进中国近代,当代大师经典名家名作 75 名,中国当代出版社。

  2022 年特邀编入“新时代艺坛大师”特邀嘉宾 36 名,同年 2022 年特别邀请作品编入“大道同行一一艺坛名家雅集”五人精英集,范迪安,孙哓云,苏士澍,程世琦,何家英,精品名家名作!魅力中国时代楷模。

  2022 年 11 月 28 日特邀国礼文化网程世琦国礼顾问。

  2022 年特邀入编并出版《领航中国艺术人物志》。内蒙古程世琦传承民族文化,成吉思汗弯弓射箭大雕,“弓箭体”民族的就是世界的!

  2024 年荣获“两会艺术传承代表人物”荣誉称号,

  2024 当代最具收藏潜力艺术家,纳斯达克艺术品收藏指南代表人物。

  2024 年 2 月经中国东方文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会审核,已具备“艺术专业人才数据库”的入编条件。


  Cheng Shiqi, born in October 1957 in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, is known as Daozhen, Sifang Jushi, Yellow River Langren, and Grassland Soul. Studied under the renowned calligrapher Mr. Liu Wenqi. Current position: Member of the Chinese CalligraphersAssociation, member of the Calligraphy and PaintingCreation Committee of the World Youth CivilizationForum, and member of the Calligraphy and PaintingWorking Committee of the New Literature and ArtGroup of the Chinese Calligraphers and PaintersAssociation; Member of the Calligraphy Art ResearchAssociation of the Chinese Couplet Association; VicePresident of China International Academy of Paintingand Calligraphy; Director of People's Art Newspaper;Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association; ViceChairman of the Chinese Painting and CalligraphySociety; Vice Chairman of the Calligraphy and PaintingArt Council of the Chinese National ArchitectureResearch Association; Vice Chairman of theCommittee for the Development of TraditionalChinese Culture; Art talent of China Oriental AdvancedResearch Association; Honorary Chairman of the GreatWall Soul Contemporary Poetry, Calligraphy andPainting Association; Researcher at DongpoCalligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute;Director of Baotou Calligraphers Association; Directorof Baotou Hard Pen Calligraphy Association; ViceChairman of the Calligraphers Association; Director ofChina Internet Alliance; Visiting Professor of theChinese Yancheng Qiaomu Hometown Calligraphyand Painting Association; Specially invited member ofthe Chinese Ancient Culture and Art Research Society;Director of the Chinese Academy of TraditionalChinese Painting Art; Specially appointed as thelifelong vice president of Qufu Hongru Calligraphy andPainting Academy. The work has been included inmultiple classic books. During the celebration of the70th anniversary of the founding of the People'sRepublic of China, Cheng Shiqi, a Chinese artistic meritfigure, presented a grand military parade to celebratethe 70th anniversary of the founding of the country, which was published together in the People's Daily.

  At the 2018 Global Chinese and Overseas ChineseSpring Festival Gala in Beijing, Cheng Shiqi had theprivilege of working with renowned Chinesecalligrapher Quan Xijun, who was 92 years old at thetime. The teacher provided guidance to his discipleCheng Shiqi on site, and Poly bought and produced abook album. Cheng Shiqi wrote a book album, andTeacher Quan provided guidance, comments, andfuture development to his disciple on site. He signedthe book album and took a group photo as amemento. The words of the old man wereremembered in his heart, and future generations willinherit and innovate.


  In 2022, invited to be included in the publication of "Chinese Art Education Archives" approaching modernChina, featuring 75 classic works by contemporarymasters and masters, published by ChinaContemporary Publishing House.

  In 2022, 36 special guests were invited to be includedin the "New Era Art Masters" program, and in the sameyear, their works were specially invited to be includedin the "Great Way Companions - Art MastersCollection" of five elite artists: Fan Di'an, Sun Xiaoyun, Su Shishu, Cheng Shiqi, He Jiaying, and exquisitemasterpieces! Charming role model of the Chineseera.


  On November 28, 2022, Cheng Shiqi, a nationaletiquette consultant, was specially invited to theNational Etiquette Culture Network.

  In 2022, invited to compile and publish "Leading Chinese Art Figures".

  Cheng Shiqi from Inner Mongolia inherits ethnic culture, Genghis Khan bends his bow and shoots arrows with great carving, and the "bow and arrow body" of the ethnic group is the world's!


  In 2024, he was awarded the honorary title of "Representative of Artistic Inheritance in the Two Sessions",

  2024 Contemporary Most Promising Collectible Artist, Representative Figure of NASDAQ Art Collection Guide.

  In February 2024, it was reviewed by the Social Art Professional Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association and has met the conditions for inclusion in the "Art Professional Talent Database".