
时间:2024-07-10 21:30:49编辑:




  赵玉林,笔名三友,内蒙古包头市美术家协会副主席,草原书画院院长,中国美协内蒙古分会会员,台北故宫书画院名誉院长,中华国礼书画家,国家博物馆画廊特邀书画家。作品入选《中国当代国际书画家年鉴》,在中国书画研究院展出;《阴山放牧图》入选当代名家书画展,在中国美术馆展出;多次参加全国各类书画大奖赛,分别荣获一、二、三等奖;部分作品入编《中国美术选集》《当代绘画艺术》《艺术辞条》入选世界名人录:2015 年三幅作品在俄罗斯伊尔库茨克和圣彼德堡两个城市展出;2017 年作品《清风》被瑞士总统多丽丝收藏作品被中东 32 国大使收藏。2000 年作品“秋韵”入编,今日中国美术,暨,三所大学教材中央美院北大,首都师范大学美术学院教学参考。赵玉林是一位备受赞誉的画家,他的绘画技巧专精于山水画。他的画作以巍峨的太行山和阴山崇山峻岭为主题,通过采用多层次水墨铺陈的手法,同时运用浅绛青绿等细腻的色彩渲染技巧,展现出北方山水的壮丽景色。在赵玉林的画作中,线条勾勒是不可或缺的一部分。他非常注重山顶的形状和轮廓,通过多种皴擦之法来表现山石树干的质感。这些线条精准而有力,犹如刀刻般深深地刻画在画布上,使得山石的形态更加立体和生动。在他的画中,北方地区山势的绝险、树木的森茂以及水流激荡的景象都被描绘得淋漓尽致。观者仿佛能够身临其境般感受到大自然的壮丽和神秘。这种美感的呈现使得赵玉林的画作成为了中国山水画中的佳作。层次感强烈,色彩渲染妙。水流激荡中,观者身临境,观艺术传奇,赏名家画作。


  Zhao Yulin, pen name San You, Vice Chairman of the ArtistsAssociation in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, President of theGrassland Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Member of theInner Mongolia Branch of the Chinese Artists Association, Honorary Dean of the Taipei Palace Museum Painting andCalligraphy Academy, Chinese Calligrapher and Painter, andSpecially Invited Calligrapher and Painter at the NationalMuseum Gallery. The work was selected for the "Yearbook ofContemporary Chinese International Calligraphers and Painters" and exhibited at the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy andPainting; The painting "Grazing in Yin Mountain" was selectedfor the Contemporary Famous Calligraphy and PaintingExhibition and exhibited at the National Art Museum of China;Participated in various national calligraphy and paintingcompetitions multiple times, and won first, second, and thirdprizes respectively; Part of the works were included in the"Selected Works of Chinese Art", "Contemporary Painting Art", and "Art Entries" and selected for the World Celebrity List. In2015, three works were exhibited in the cities of Irkutsk and St. Petersburg, Russia; The 2017 work "Breeze" was collected bySwiss President Doris, and the work was collected byambassadors from 32 Middle Eastern countries. In 2000, thework "Autumn Rhyme" was included in the compilation. Today'sChinese Art, as well as teaching materials for three universities, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Peking University, and CapitalNormal University School of Fine Arts. Zhao Yulin is a highlyacclaimed painter whose painting techniques are specialized inlandscape painting. His paintings are themed around thetowering Taihang and Yinshan mountains, showcasing themagnificent scenery of northern mountains and rivers throughthe use of multi-level ink painting techniques and delicate colorrendering techniques such as light crimson and green. In ZhaoYulin's paintings, line delineation is an indispensable part. Hepays great attention to the shape and contour of themountaintop, and uses various techniques to express thetexture of the mountain rocks and tree trunks. These lines areprecise and powerful, deeply carved like knives on the canvas, making the form of mountains and rocks morethree-dimensional and vivid. In his paintings, the breathtakingmountains, lush trees, and turbulent water currents in thenorthern regions are vividly depicted. Viewers can feel thegrandeur and mystery of nature as if they are in person. Thisaesthetic presentation has made Zhao Yulin's paintings amasterpiece in Chinese landscape painting. Strong sense ofhierarchy and wonderful color rendering. In the turbulent waterflow, viewers are immersed in the scene, observing artisticlegends and appreciating masterpieces.


  青绿浅绛 烟岚似梦——记著名画家赵玉林
