
时间:2024-03-26 20:29:59编辑:


  杨翰儒,名坤,字翰儒,号寒心居士。1954 年 3 月生于安徽省临泉市一个偏僻的农村。多年从事书学教育和艺术研究。他六岁在母亲督导下苦学书法,五十多年从不间断,废寝忘食的刻苦求索和艺术实践,使之形成了当今独特的书法艺术和表现技法。在继承了中国传统书法不同书体的基础上,又创作了独具艺术魅力的书法作品,承先启后。开拓进取!把古之六体精演拓展为 20 多种书体及表现形式,填补了中华书法艺术宝库中的多处空白,为中国国粹艺术作出了杰出的贡献!被世人誉为一代书圣!

  先生一杆铁笔独行天下,神州大地无处不至,曾出访过 20 多个国家进行交流。



  Yang Hanru, named Kun, with the courtesy name Hanru and the courtesy name Hanxin Jushi. Born in March 1954 in a remote rural area of Linquan City, Anhui Province. Engaged in calligraphy education and art research for many years. At the age of six, he studied calligraphydiligently under the supervision of his mother, and for over fifty years, he tirelessly pursued and practiced art without interruption, forgetting to eat or sleep, which has led to the formation of today's unique calligraphy art and expressive techniques. On the basis of inheriting the different styles of traditional Chinese calligraphy, we have also created calligraphy works with unique artistic charm, carrying on the past and opening up the future. Pioneering and enterprising! Expanding the refinement of the ancient six forms into more than 20 calligraphy styles and forms of expression, filling multiple gaps in the treasure trove of Chinese calligraphy art, and making outstanding contributions to Chinese national art! Praised by the world as a generation of calligraphers!

  The gentleman travels alone in the world with an iron pen, and has visited more than 20 countries for exchanges.

  The calligraphy brush of the master is like a sharp sword, skillful and effortless, with boundless changes and trance, ranging from a four foot list of books to a small regular script. His works are grand and magnificent, standing alone in both ancient and modern times. He is one of the most powerful artistic masters in China's contemporary calligraphy industry and the founder and creator of the Yang style calligraphy.