时间:2024-07-22 10:33:49编辑:
2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。
Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.
全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。
Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);
高明柱,1952 年 8 月生人,字敬之,号寻径斋,祖籍河南邓州,居北京,中共党员,毛体书法家,诗人,国学大师,百年巨匠,“五个一工程”奖获得者。现为国际非物质文化艺术促进会会长,中国书画研究中心书法组委会会长,全国书画艺术委员会主席,被中国文联与文化部文化艺术人才中心聘任为新时代文化艺术人才中心艺术顾问,中国东方文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会艺术顾问,中国传统文化发展委员会顾问,中国毛体书法家协会顾问,中国翰林书画院副院长,中央艺术名家书画院名誉院长,中央美术学院书法系客座教授。担任全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家,中国通俗文艺研究会理事,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,人民美术艺术家委员会委员,苏富比研究所研究员。中国非物质文化遗产传承人物,中国国宾礼形象大使,中国艺坛流派宗师,“兰亭高明柱体”字体设计师。创建首批中国文化名人工作室:高明柱工作室、高明柱艺术馆。被授予:东方之子、一代方家、人民艺术家、人民艺术十大家,中国当代十大德艺双馨艺术家,中国当代十大文化学者,获书法艺术硕士学位,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士学位。荣获中国文学艺术界学术奖,中国文化艺术节终身成就奖:金猴奖、金鸡奖、金犬奖。出版有《高明柱书法集》《艺术巨匠·高明柱》《百年巨匠·艺术典藏民族艺术名家高明柱作品精选》《中国国宾礼形象大使·高明柱》《CCTV 焦点人物·高明柱》《艺坛风云人物·艺术名家高明柱》《国学大家·高明柱名帖国家宝藏级艺术家鉴赏与收藏》《一代方家·高明柱名家艺术鉴赏》《一带一路高峰论坛·中国著名书法家高明柱》《中国近现代名家书法集》高明柱卷大红袍等专辑,《鉴藏·中国近现代书画名家精品集》一书惠赠国家图书馆。
高明柱先生受祖辈的影响和熏陶,自幼酷爱书法、诗词,先后毕业于河南书法函授院,中国书协书法培训中心研修班,上世纪 60 年代初执笔学习楷书,70 年代学习隶书、篆书及毛主席的诗词手书,80 年代始学习王羲之书法及历代名家书法,数十年如一日默默耕耘,临池不辍。在创作过程中善于汲取前人的经验和艺术精华,主张艺术源于生活,从平凡的生活中挖掘素材,擅长观察思考、提炼、升华,并获取创作灵感,师古不泥,大胆创新,经过反复锤炼,逐步形成了用笔圆润,线条流畅,潇洒飘逸的艺术风格,创作出大量为人称道的优秀作品。受到了范曾、欧阳中石、张海等老一辈艺术家的高度评价。范曾先生在人民大学国学开讲时提到高明柱是在“用心写字”并题“诗书皆佳”相赠。权希军先生在高明柱大红袍专辑的序言中写到:“高明柱先生的书法,从运笔、用墨、布局、章法等来看,其作品布局严谨而不呆板,灵动而不杂乱,行草挥洒自如,古韵悠长而刚柔并济。
笔墨疾徐纵横,如激雷跳荡,风卷残云,字态龙腾虎跃,惊蛇入草,飞鸟入林,而收笔又无往不复,无垂不缩。除草书外,高明柱的行书遒厚丰润,格调清新,结字笔画均承法度而又新颖独到,呈现出清润秀逸、儒雅朴茂、高古邵秀之美”。中国新闻网评其高明柱书法:“高明柱老师的书法创作理念具有合理性,其创作实践也证明具有现实可行性和可借鉴意义,获中国书法界广泛认可。我们今天看他的作品,已经不能以传统意义上的书法来看待。他与众不同的地方就在于他思考传统、反思传统,这是他对当前书法的最大贡献。他的书法是改革开放和中华民族伟大复兴时代的产物,是 21 世纪习近平新时代中国特色社会主义时代之产物。它沿自传统是中国书法艺术发展至今的新创,它表明中华国粹之书法艺术没有衰落,依然充满着持续旺盛的生命力。”人民美术网在“感受深厚底蕴——人民艺术家高明柱书法欣赏”报道中评论高明柱书法:“高明柱先生作品,行施武功的连贯之法,大笔雄墨,如风似电,一笔而成,行笔施墨,让人眼花不解其轨,唯在凝神聚气之后,悟其定势之威。先生的笔墨张驰有力,字体苍劲飞动,字形宽广顿挫,能够表达出,心胸宽广的品德修养。先看作品整体感觉,再看细节特征,章法改变,结体夸张,浓淡相宜,使视觉冲击力出现了更多的节奏和韵律变化。高明柱先生的作品体现着他书法的根深底色,显示了他书法的文人潇洒,性情与法度结合和谐显成臻美的精彩。先生有潇洒却不浅薄,显张力远离轻薄,有法有度,自由风流,逸如云烟,相当悦目。有粗细立体的独特表达,字字可突盈纸面,大有空间质感!这是感性与理性相互加持的书法奇观。这样的书法作品,可以装饰万家屏障,成为先生在书坛大颂口碑的见证。”
高明柱老师系 2008 首届全国十佳毛体书法家,2009年度感动中国十大艺术骄子,2011 第二届中国最具网络人气美术家十大年度人物。 2012 年中央电视台先锋中国先锋会客厅以“东方之子·高明柱”为题作三十分钟的专题报道;2013 年为纪念毛主席诞辰 120周年,向毛主席诞辰 120 周年献礼,120 幅书法作品在中华世纪坛世界艺术馆成功展出,名家对话栏目作二十分钟的专题报道;2015 年天津人民美术出版社出版发行【中国近现代名家书法集】高明柱卷大红袍专辑 2000 册,全国新华书店经销。被中国非物质文化遗产办公室授予:“中国非物质文化遗产出版物”并授予:高明柱“中国非物质文化遗产传承人物”;中国非物质文化遗产艺术委员会以《中国近现代名家书法集》命名“高明柱大红袍名家工作室”;2017年广东广播电视台古韵今谈栏目以“中国著名书法家高明柱”为题作专题报道;2018 年书法作品作为国礼赠送给吉尔吉斯共和国总理府收藏,人民日报袭古创今栏目人物专访以高明柱“继古人之神韵、开时代之新风”为题作 10 分钟的专题报道;2019 年文化部艺术发展中心资质认证:“当代著名书法家”,国学文化艺术中心专业艺术委员会决定正式授予:高明柱“国学大师”。2020 年新华号以中国著名书法家高明柱:“字体飞动继古人之神韵 线条流畅开时代之新风”为题进行报道;2021 年高明柱书法作品被国家版权局登记,兰亭字库工程工作委员会研究决定,高明柱字体纳入兰亭字库并命名为“兰亭·高明柱体”;2022 年 12 月 18 日,高明柱创作的书法作品《长城》、《长征颂》经编委会评审,分别入编国家文化公园主题画册长城篇、长征篇;2024 年 1 月担任中央美术学院书法系客座教授,书法作品毛泽东沁园春·雪荣获第十六届精神文明建设“五个一工程”优秀作品奖。
Gao Mingzhu, born in August 1952, with thename Keishi and the name Xunjingzhai, is anative of Dengzhou, Henan province, living inBeijing, a member of the Communist Party ofChina, a Maoist calligrapher, a poet, a Master ofChinese Studies, a century-old master, andwinner of the “Five one projects” award. He iscurrently president of the InternationalAssociation for the Promotion of non-materialculture and art, chairman of the CalligraphyOrganizing Committee of the China Calligraphyand Painting Research Center, and chairman ofthe National Calligraphy and Painting ArtCommittee, he was appointed by the ChinaFederation of Literature and culture and theMinistry of Culture as the artistic adviser of thenew era cultural and artistic talents center andthe artistic adviser of the social and artisticprofessional committee of the Chinese OrientalCulture Research Society, consultant to theChinese Traditional Culture DevelopmenCommission, consultant to the Chinese MaoistCalligraphers Association, vice-president of theChinese Academy of Calligraphy and painting,honorary president of the Central Academy ofFine Arts, Visiting Professor of the Departmentof China Central Academy of Fine Artscalligraphy. He served as the chief expert of theNational Art Title Examination Center, director ofthe China Popular Literature and Art ResearchAssociation, deputy secretary-general of thecalligraphy art research association of the ChinaCouplet Society, and member of the People'sFine Arts Artists Committee, research Fellow atSotheby's Institute. Chinese intangible culturalheritage heritage figure, image ambassador ofChinese State Protocol, master of Chinese art, “Lanting gaoming column” typeface designer. Create the first batch of Chinese culturalcelebrities studio: Gao Mingzhu studio, GaoMingzhu Museum of Art. He was awarded themaster's degree in calligraphy of the son of theeast, the Fang family of the first generation, thePeople's artists, the People's art ten masters, theten most virtuous and artistic artists incontemporary China, the ten most culturalscholars in contemporary China, doctor of Artsin French Royal Academy of Arts. Won theAcademic Award of Chinese literature and ArtCircle, the Lifetime Achievement Award ofChinese culture and Art Festival: Golden MonkeyAward, Golden Rooster Award, Golden DogAward. Gao Ming The book collection ofmasterpieces of modern Chinese painting andcalligraphy is donated to the National Library ofChina.
Mr. Gao Mingzhu was influenced and influencedby his ancestors. He loved calligraphy andpoetry since he was young. He graduated fromHenan Calligraphy Correspondence College andcalligraphy training center of China CalligraphyAssociation. In the early 1960s, he wrote andlearned regular script, in the 1970s, he studied Licalligraphy, seal calligraphy and calligraphy byMao Zedong. In the 1980s, he began to learncalligraphy by Wang Xizhi and other famouscalligraphers. In the process of creation, he isgood at drawing on the experience and artisticessence of predecessors, and maintains that artoriginates from life, excavates material fromordinary life, and is good at observing, thinking,refining, sublimating, and obtaining creativeinspiration, bold innovation, after repeatedrefining, gradually formed a pen mellow, smoothlines, elegant and elegant art style, create a largenumber of well-known outstanding works. ByFan Zeng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Hai andother older artists highly praised. Mr Fan Zeng,in his opening lecture on Chinese Studies atRenmin University, noted that Gao had been “Writing with his heart” and had given him agift entitled “All good poetry and books aregood”. In the preface to his dahongpao album,Kwon Hsi-jun wrote: “ Mr. Kao ming-chu'scalligraphy, from the point of view of brush, ink,layout and composition, is rigorous but not rigid,agile but not disorderly, free-flowing andfree-flowing of grass, long and firm and gentlein ancient charm.
The pen and ink are varied, elegant and elegant,both vigorous energy, and gentle and elegantcharm, inheriting the tradition in the lines, out ofthe new degree outside the law. Truly achievedideological, artistic, ornamental unity, moral andartistic dual-xin, ouyang Zhongshi also made apenetrating comment on his excellentcalligraphy: “ A comprehensive view of hiscalligraphy works makes people feel new andnot thin, as far as [ Hongtu Guoyun ] isconcerned, flashy and not charming, completeworks do not lose the degree of law, few wordsworks do not lose the great, soft and rigid,strong and outstanding, full-bodied, naturalstructure. Teacher ancient but not mud ancient,seek new but not favor. This is the ancientpeople cast in the heart, give the pen, set ahundred of the best in his own.” Gaoming Zhu,a calligrapher of all ages, his line of grass to takethe wild hair body, melt the charm of the twokings, Minangong pen idea, free and easy, livelyand flexible, ancient rhyme long and strong andsoft, elegant and popular taste, open ageneration of line of grass style. Calligraphydirectly into the book, Majestic, originality, hisworks open wide without losing solemn andelegant, elegant without losing the thick andsteady, comfortable without losing the rules andregulations, it can be described as moving in thestatic, static to move the United States, the causeof static life, fun endless, quiet and powerful,bearing extraordinary, beautiful, there are rollingwind and clouds a thousand miles of potential,self-contained.
Contemporary critic Mr Yushan commented onGao Mingzhu's calligraphy, saying, “ GaoMingzhu's cursive calligraphy is a bold andunrestrained style that blends the power of thetwo kings. His strokes are graceful and natural. The ink lines turn inward and outward, openingand closing, revealing the spirit of the artist andcovering the spirit of the artist. The words areinterspersed, reflecting, bowing, Under thewhole and continuous, such as the river aroundFangdian, bold and smooth flowing. Pen and inkfast vertical and horizontal, such as thunderjumping, wind rolling residual cloud, word StateDragon Leap Tiger Leap, startled snake into thegrass, birds into the forest, and the pen and noreturn, no hanging does not shrink. In additionto cursive script, Gao Mingzhu's running script isrich and rich, with a fresh style. His calligraphyand brushstrokes are both original and original,reflecting the beauty of Hideitsu, his eleganceand simplicity, and the beauty of Gao Gu andShao Xiu.”. China news website commented onGao Mingzhu's calligraphy: “ Gao Mingzhu'scalligraphy creation idea is reasonable, and hiscreation practice has proved to be practical anduseful, and has been widely recognized by theChinese Calligraphy Circle.”. When we look at hisworks today, we can no longer see them in thetraditional sense of calligraphy.
What sets him apart is that he thinks abouttradition and reflects on tradition, which is hisgreatest contribution to contemporarycalligraphy.
It is a new creation in the development ofChinese calligraphy art from tradition to thepresent day, indicating that the calligraphy art ofChinese national quintessence has not declinedand is still full of sustained vitality
The People's Fine Arts Network commented onGao Mingzhu's calligraphy in the report "Appreciating the Calligraphy of People's ArtistGao Mingzhu: 'Mr. Gao Mingzhu's works arecharacterized by the coherent use of martial artstechniques, large amounts of powerful ink, likewind or electricity, created in one stroke, and theink applied in each stroke leaves people's eyesconfused. Only after concentrating andgathering energy can one realize the power ofhis fixed style. Mr. Gao Mingzhu's brushwork isvigorous and powerful, the font is vigorous andvigorous, and the character shape is broad andundulating, which can express his broadmindedness and moral cultivation. First, look atthe overall feeling of the work, then look at thedetails and characteristics, changes incomposition, exaggerated structure, andappropriate intensity and lightness, making thevisual impact appear more rhythmic andrhythmic changes.' Mr. Gao Mingzhu His worksreflect the deep foundation of his calligraphy,showcasing the literati's elegance and theharmonious combination of temperament andtechnique, resulting in a magnificent andexquisite beauty. The gentleman has a carefreeyet not shallow demeanor, showing tension andavoiding frivolity. He has a sense of proprietyand freedom, exuding a carefree and elegantatmosphere like clouds and smoke, which isquite pleasing to the eye. There is a uniqueexpression of thickness and dimensionality, andwords can protrude from the paper surface,providing a spacious texture! This is acalligraphy spectacle where sensibility andrationality complement each other. Suchcalligraphy works can decorate the barriers ofthousands of households and become a witnessto the great reputation of the master in thecalligraphy world
Teacher Gao Mingzhu is one of the top ten Maostyle calligraphers in China in 2008, one of thetop ten artists who moved China in 2009, andone of the top ten most popular online artists inChina in 2011. In 2012, the CCTV Pioneer ChinaPioneer Reception Room gave a 30 minutespecial report titled "Son of the East: GaoMingzhu"; In 2013, to commemorate the 120thanniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, a giftwas presented. 120 calligraphy works weresuccessfully exhibited at the World Art Museumof the China Century Altar, and a 20 minutespecial report was given in the dialogue columnof famous artists; In 2015, Tianjin People's FineArts Publishing House published and distributed2000 copies of the "Collection of ChineseModern and Contemporary FamousCalligraphers" Gao Mingzhu Scroll Big Red Robealbum, which was distributed by XinhuaBookstore nationwide. Awarded by the ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritage Office as "ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritage Publication" andawarded to Gao Mingzhu as "China IntangibleCultural Heritage Inheritor"; The ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritage Art Committeenamed the "Gao Mingzhu Da Hong Pao MasterStudio" after the "Collection of Calligraphy byFamous Chinese Modern and ContemporaryMasters"; In 2017, Guangdong Radio andTelevision Station's Ancient Rhyme Talk programgave a special report on the topic of "FamousChinese Calligrapher Gao Mingzhu"; In 2018,calligraphy works were presented as a nationalgift to the collection of the Prime Minister'sOffice of the Kyrgyz Republic. The People's Dailyconducted a 10 minute special report on GaoMingzhu's "Inheriting the Spirit of the ancientsand Opening up a New Era" in the "AncientCreation Today" column; In 2019, thequalification certification of the ArtDevelopment Center of the Ministry of Culturewas awarded as "Contemporary FamousCalligrapher", and the Professional ArtCommittee of the Chinese Culture and ArtCenter officially awarded Gao Mingzhu as"Master of Chinese Studies". In 2020, XinhuaNews reported on the famous Chinesecalligrapher Gao Mingzhu's article titled "Flyingfonts inherit the charm of ancient people,smooth lines open up a new trend of the times";In 2021, Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy works wereregistered by the National CopyrightAdministration. The Lanting Font Library ProjectWorking Committee decided to include GaoMingzhu font in the Lanting Font Library andnamed it "Lanting · Gao Mingzhu Font"; OnDecember 18, 2022, the calligraphy works "TheGreat Wall" and "Ode to the Long March" created by Gao Mingzhu were evaluated by thewarp knitting committee and included in thenational cultural park theme album "The GreatWall" and "The Long March" respectively; InJanuary 2024, he became a visiting professor inthe Calligraphy Department of the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts. His calligraphy work, MaoZedong Qinyuan Chun Xue, won the ExcellentWork Award of the 16th "Five One Project" forspiritual civilization construction.
The calligraphy work Mao Zedong's "SpringSnow in Qinyuan" is engraved on the New GreatWall in Badaling, China. Works included in"Decision China Network · China InfluentialFigures Database", "China in Art", "RepublicMemory · Art Chapter", "Era · New Flag", "People's Republic of China Yearbook", "ChinaArt Yearbook", "Chinese Art Collection", "ArtistBiography", "Cultural Monthly", "Art Life", "Centennial Master", "Book World Giant", "Never Forget the Original Aspiration", "HongKong Impression", "Palace Museum Collection", "People's Art", "Art Inheritance", "Great NationMaster", "Gold Medal Artist", "National Gift ArtMaster", "Contemporary Chinese Book LawHistory", "Chinese Art School Grandmaster", "Chinese Art Treasure", "Contemporary NationalArt Saint Hand", "Touching World Art Giant", "Transmission Classic of the World: Masters' Style" and "Artistic Inheritance: Appreciation ofChinese Celebrity Calligraphy and PaintingWorks" One Generation of Fangjia · NineFamous Artists Appreciation "," World Hall ofFame Art Masters · Twenty Hall of Fame levelArtists that Children Should Know in TheirLifetime "," Complete Works of Chinese Poetry,Calligraphy and Painting "," Chinese ArtSaint · Qi Gong, Gao Mingzhu Duo Collection "," National Cultural Park Theme Album - TreasuredEdition "," National Academy of Academicians - Famous Calligraphy Academicians of New China"," New China Poetry Encyclopedia "," ThreeHundred New Chinese Poetry Masters "," ThreeHundred New Chinese Classics "," Striving toCreate a New Era of Literary and Artistic Peak - Excellent Art Works Collection of the 16th "FiveOne Projects" for Spiritual CivilizationConstruction ", etc.