时间:2024-03-24 20:22:42编辑:
许国民:笔名至心,1956 年出生于河南省禹州市,本科学历。中国书法家协会会员,中国硬笔书法家协会会员,中国国礼艺术家,全国人民艺术家信用管理中心书画艺术委员会副主席。北京人和书画院院士,中州大学书画研究院研究员,河南省爱心书法家,河南省中国画圣书画研究院院长,苏富比艺术发展中心艺术总监,悉尼中国书画院特邀艺术家,全国名人书画艺术界联合会委员,河南十万文化艺术中心高级书画研究员。国家一级书法师。自幼酷爱书法,师承家学,临池不辍,书艺功底扎实,挥翰求索不息,点画粗狂凝重,大气磅礴,自成风格。下笔干净利落,形象鲜明,既有传统功力,又富有时代气息。1995 年参加民族书法万里行活动,其作品被少林寺,云南国际会展中心,各地政府画院、宾馆收藏。作品《鸿禧雲集》被意大利国家博物馆收藏。荣幸参加二十大,两会部长长廊书画展。
Xu Guomin: pen name Zhixin, born in 1956 in Yuzhou City, Henan Province, with a bachelor's degree. Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, ChineseNational Ritual Artist, Vice Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the National People's Artists Credit Management Center. Academician of Beijing Renhe Calligraphy and Painting Academy,Researcher at Zhongzhou University Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Henan Love Calligrapher,Dean of Henan Chinese Painting Saint Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Art Director of Sotheby's Art Development Center, Special Invited Artist of Sydney Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Academy,Member of National Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Federation, Senior Calligraphy and Painting Researcher at Henan 100000 Cultural and Art Center.National first-class calligrapher. I have been passionate about calligraphy since I was young,learning from my family and never stopping at Linchi.I have a solid foundation in calligraphy, constantly seeking and exploring. My brushstrokes are bold, solemn,and majestic, forming my own style. The writing is clean and vivid, with both traditional skills and a sense of the times. In 1995, he participated in the Ethnic Calligraphy Ten Thousand Mile Journey event and hisworks were collected by Shaolin Temple, Yunnan International Convention and Exhibition Center, and various government art academies and hotels. The work"Hongxi Gathering" is collected by the National Museum of Italy. It is an honor to participate in the 20th National Congress and the Minister's Gallery Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Two Sessions.