时间:2024-11-17 19:36:38编辑:
2024 金砖国家峰会讨论加强多边主义,促进全球发展。金砖国家扩容后 GDP 比重超 G7,吸引众多发展中国家申请加入。宣言强调合作、公正,推动多边主义发展,金砖国家成为新的全球发展变量。
The 2024 BRICS Summit discusses strengthening multilateralism and promoting global development. After the expansion of the BRICS countries, their GDP proportion exceeds that of the G7, attracting many developing countries to apply for membership. The declaration emphasizes cooperation, fairness, and promotes the development of multilateralism, making BRICS countries a new global development variable.
The purpose of cultural exchanges among BRICS countries is to promote people to people connectivity,consolidate the foundation of public opinion, and lay a humanistic foundation for economic exchanges and other forms of cooperation among BRICS countries Actively carrying out exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities is the common aspiration of the BRICS countries. At present, the compilation work has been fully launched, and the participation and collaboration of art masters are important guaranteesfor completing this major cultural and artistic project.
1946 年 11 月生于广东一医学世家。受家庭熏陶自幼酷爱医书艺。先后毕业成都中医学院、武汉大学、天津市茂林书法学院。其书作曾参加全国大赛总获等级奖入编《中华人民共和国书法全集》、《百年经典中国书法全集》、出版号称国家名片—邮政明信片、出版《杨乐园书法集》。还深得时任国务院副总理吴仪女士和文化部副部长兼中国艺术研究院长王文章、文化部副部长兼艺术司长董伟,中国作协常务副主席兼中国现代文学艺术馆长陈建功等等之一致高度赞赏和肯定,即被国家图书馆所收藏。曾于珠海九洲城博物馆在时任市委书记邓维龙和宣传部部长黄晓东和省政协主席兼省书协主席陈昭基、省委副书记蔡东士的关心支持下举办的个展,取得独领风骚、旷世空前的成功!而后又为珠海成功创建了“杨乐园艺术馆”,刷新了珠海辉煌文化史。
尤其是于新中国成立 60 周年之伟大历史时刻,杨乐园在全国上下一致认可和支持下,于京都全国政协大礼堂成功地举办了“庆国庆弘扬优秀文化构建和谐社会——杨乐园书法展”,墨舞京华,独领风骚,为伟大中华民族争来了殊荣! 一时间,人民日报、光明日报及诸网络媒体纷纷争先报导,举国同庆,全国欢腾!深得中央高层和全国广泛专家学者名流之高度赞扬,纷纷致贺电嘉勉,支持与鼓励!
Yangleyuan, also known as Huqing. Titled Yishi, Meimei, Huiyi, and Oriental Sage, with room names Hanlin Pavilion, Hongwen Pavilion, Yayi Studio, and Ziyun Pavilion.
Born in November 1946 into a medical family in Guangdong. Influenced by family background, I have had a passion for medical literature since childhood. Graduated successively from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan University, and Tianjin Maolin Calligraphy College. His works have participated in national competitions and won level awards, and have been included in the compilation of "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy in the People's Republic of China" and "Complete Works of Classic Chinese Calligraphy in the Past Century". He has also published the so-called national business card - postal postcards, and published "Yang Leyuan Calligraphy Collection". It also receivedunanimous high praise and recognition from Ms. Wu Yi, Vice Premier of the State Council at the time, Wang Wenwen, Vice Minister of Culture and Dean of Chinese Art Research, Dong Wei, Vice Minister of Culture and Director of Arts, Chen Jiangong, Executive Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and Director of Modern Chinese Literature and Art, and others, and was collected by the National Library. The solo exhibition held at the Jiuzhou City Museum in Zhuhai, with the care and support of Deng Weilong, the then Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Huang Xiaodong, the Minister of Propaganda, Chen Zhaoji, the Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the Chairman of the Provincial Book Association, and Cai Dongshi, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, achieved unprecedented success and led the way! Later, it successfully created the "Yangleyuan Art Museum" for Zhuhai, refreshing the glorious cultural history of Zhuhai.
Especially during the great historical moment of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yang Leyuan successfully held the "Celebrating National Day, Promoting Excellent Culture, and Building a Harmonious Societ- Yang Leyuan Calligraphy Exhibition" at the Grand Hall of theNational Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Kyoto, with unanimous recognition and support from all over the country. With ink dancing in Beijing, Yang Leyuan led the way and won honors for the great Chinese nation! For a moment, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, and various online media outlets rushed to report on it, and the whole country celebrated with joy! Highly praised by the central leadership and a wide range of experts, scholars, and celebrities across the country, they have sent congratulatory messages of encouragement, support, and encouragement!
Mr. Yang Leyuan's calligraphy combines strength and softness, and exudes a unique style. Mr. Yang Leyuan has successfully created and published the unprecedented "Yang Leyuan Grass Script Dictionary", as well as created the "Yang's Taiji Brushwork" and "Yang's Natural Charm Painting Style" from the perspective of calligraphy and painting art. Mr. Yang Leyuan's art is known for its natural, flowing beauty, charm, and elegance. Book chasing realm, pen exploring ancient origins. Bringing together ancient and modern calligraphers, we have gained profound insights from the ancients while also being able to create new and innovative ideas, establishing the glory of our own family. A style that is highly appreciated by both therefined and the popular. Mr. Yang Leyuan is a well-known cultural expert and has been included in the "Dictionary of Famous Chinese Calligraphers, Painters, and Seal Engravers" for collection in national museums and libraries.
Mr. Yang Leyuan was awarded the National Artistic Achievement Award, the top ten leaders of Chinese art, the cultural leader of the new era, the "the Belt and Road" National Rites and Cultural Project, the cover figure of the International Literature and Art Monthly, and is now the chairman of the Arts Committee of the Chinese Cultural Society, the honorary president of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Studies, the only "first artist in three" of the famous Chinese culture ambassador, contemporary cultural scholar, and diplomatic artist of the medical family.
Over the years, he has been elected as a touching figure inChinese culture and art, and has been hired as the editor inchief and cover artist. Published and distributed globally, withextraordinary impact! Mr. Yang Leyuan, together with RaoZongyi, Huang Yongyu, Zhong Shi, Shen Peng, Fan Zeng, HanMeilin, Feng Yuan, Chen Danqing, Jin Shangyi, and others, published works such as "Top of Eastern Art - Six FamousArtists", "Reading Classics - Ten Contemporary ChineseMasters", "Special Issue on Chinese Art Soul", and "TenMeritorious Figures in Chinese Art", which have been passeddown to the world. In particular, Mr. Yang Leyuan was selectedby China News Publishing House for compilation in "The Eight Masters of Cursive Writing", which includes Zhang Zhi, Huai Su, Mi Fu, Mao Zedong, Qi Gong, Yang Leyuan, Shen Peng, Liu Jinkai, etc. The portrait and works of Mr. Yang Leyuan were alsospecially selected as the cover and back cover. What shockedthe world even more was that Mr. Yang Leyuan was alsoselected and compiled by China Literature Publishing House inthe book "Grand View of Masters of Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Modern and Contemporary Art Schools - TheFounding of the Han Ink Art Circle and the Leading Teacher forAll Ages". The following are in order: Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Chen Shaomei, Guan Shanyue, Li Keran, YangLeyuan, Qi Gong, Liu Bingsen, etc. Its global publishing anddistribution have had a remarkable impact!
In August 2020, Mr. Yang Leyuan was appointed as a RoyalForeign Lifetime Academician by Sweden. At the end of thesame year, his works were included in the "Large Album of theTop Ten Peak Artists of New China in the Century of Art", selected for the "Global Anti epidemic China EuropeInternational Art Exhibition", and included in the "MostPromising Artist in Global Art Collection". He was also selectedby multiple online media as a contemporary cultural and artisticmaster, one of the world's top ten hall level art masters, a topart master in China, a founder of contemporary culturalinnovation in the new era, a world sinologist of the ConfuciusLifetime Achievement Award, an ambassador for promoting theimage of world sinology, a world cultural and artistic master, amodel of red culture in the Republic, and so on.