朱桥燕荣获 2024 年毕加索国际艺术绘画大赛(总决赛)金奖

时间:2024-11-17 19:33:13编辑:

  当代著名艺术家朱桥燕在 2024 毕加索国际艺术绘画大赛(总决赛)中荣获金奖。毕加索国际艺术绘画大赛主办单位:毕加索故居博物馆和巴塞罗那艺术学院,学术支持:西班牙皇家艺术家协会 REIAL CERCLEARTISTIC,协办单位:贝尔维尤美术馆和毕加索故居博物馆,毕加索的艺术启蒙地、辉煌人生的起点毕加索故居博物馆,位于西班牙名城拉科鲁尼亚,是世界五大毕加索博物馆之一,毕加索作品研究及修复的顶尖机构之一。


  朱桥燕在创作中 Zhu Qiaoyan‘s in painting





  中法建交 60 周年受邀参加法国巴黎奥运文化国际艺术交流展,绘画作品被评为优秀杰出金奖,并获得奥林匹克文化贡献奖。受联合国教科文组织等邀请参加卢浮宫国际书画艺术联创巡展,荣获特殊荣誉贡献奖。荣获 2024 年毕加索国际艺术绘画大赛(总决赛)金奖等。



  Ms. Zhu Qiaoyan is a very hard-working artist and scholar, rooted in the broad and profound Chinese civilization, conforming to the development trend of the times, actively participating in the visits and exchanges of world universities and Chinese culture and art, making up for the gap in the history of international exchange of Chinese art, filling the shortage of Chinese art works in the collection of the world's top art academies, so that the world's most famous, authoritative and core academic institutions can see and understand the connotation of Chinese culture, understand the depth and value of Chinese culture, and become an important document for the study of Chinese culture in various countries and academies in later generations. It has far-reaching international influence.

  Ms. Zhu Qiaoyan is a chief diplomatic artist, a visiting professor at the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a first-class artist, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a special artist of the European Art Association, aSino-French cultural exchange ambassador, an art image ambassador of the Hangzhou Asian Games in China, a specially recommended artist of the Venice Biennale, the first batch of senior think tank experts of a cultural power, a people's artist of both virtue and art, and the artist of China's most valuable brand.

  Her works have been collected by the world's top universities, including the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, the Academy of Fine Arts of the Berlin University of the Arts, The University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, etc., as well as the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China, the Great Hall of the People, the Chinese Embassy, etc.

  On the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, She was invited to participate in the International Art Exchange Exhibition of Olympic Culture in Paris, France, and his paintings were awarded the Gold Award for Outstanding and Outstanding Works, and won the Olympic Cultural Contribution Award. She was invited by UNESCO to participate in the Louvre International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition and won the Special Honorary Contribution Award. Won the gold medal of the 2024 Picasso International Art Painting Competition (Finals), etc.

  Studied at the University of Cambridge, the Chinese National University, the National Academy of Painting of China, etc., absorbingthe strengths of others, combining Chinese and Western, full of innovation, with a distinctive personal style, deeply influenced by Matisse, Monet, Van Gogh. She has published and edited dozens of books, such as "China in the Eyes of the World", "Who's Who in the World", "Chinese Art History", and "Zhu Qiaoyan's Album of Famous Teachers in China's Higher Art Academies".

  Zhu Qiaoyan has an amazing talent for painting, a graceful figure, is a famous model, loves swimming and national standard dance, and is an oriental woman with a global vision. Her works, like herself, have both the traditional charm of Chinese women and the international fashion temperament, showing the interesting soul and charm of all-round female artists in the new era!

  中国画学会副会长、荣宝斋画院院长、荣宝斋副总经理 唐辉评论:朱桥燕女士我觉得在艺术上是非常有追求的,她是博涉多优,法度精研的雄才,无论是在书法还在绘画,艺术的公益组织她都热心参与。作为当代具有国际影响力的书画家,诸多丹青作品,无所不能画,无所不精湛。云涌笔意,意由云霄,纵横古今,卓而不群,实属奇才!她创作上有胆量不拘泥于小情小趣,追求的是一种大气磅礴的形式,大胆吸收了泼墨重彩。她的书画作品超越一切物象,穿越时空成为文艺经典,相信通过不断的坚持、坚守、精进,会取得令人满意的成绩,她的画作在收藏界亦有风生水起的价值和潜力。

  北京故宫博物院研究员、宫廷部主任 单国强评论:朱桥燕女士,有深刻挖掘民间艺术形态的智慧,也有打造国际艺术品牌的才华,所以她的作品就会带着清水出芙蓉一般的丹青新格局,代表作惊艳画坛的。画面清新流畅,不造作非安排,人物写生形神兼备,赋彩设色纤尘不染。用专业美术法度来经营审美属性,用世界的富丽来打造画质底色,画得雅俗共赏,极富有时代美术气息。无论从结构还是从主题上来看,都深有创新动能,见素抱朴的艺术魅力必然成为春秋相传的美学功勋。

  Tang Hui, vice president of the Chinese Painting Society, president of Rong Bao Zhai Painting Institute, and deputy generalmanager of Rong Bao Zhai, commented: Ms. Zhu Qiaoyan I think sheis very pursuing in art. As a contemporary calligrapher and painterwith international influence, many Danqing works can be painted inany way, and everything is exquisite. Yunyong brushwork, meaningfrom the clouds, ancient and modern, outstanding but notoutstanding, is really a genius! She has the courage to create withoutsticking to petty feelings, pursuing a majestic form, boldly absorbingsplashes of ink and color. I believe that through continuouspersistence, perseverance and improvement, satisfactory results willbe achieved, and her paintings also have the value and potential toflourish in the collecting world.

  Shan Guoqiang, researcher and director of the Palace Department of the Palace Museum in Beijing, commented: Ms. ZhuQiaoyan has the wisdom to deeply explore folk art forms and the talent to create an international art brand, so her works will bring a new pattern of Danqing like hibiscus with clear water, and her representative works will amaze the art world. The picture is fresh andsmooth, not pretentious and non-arranged, the characters aresketched with both form and spirit, and the color is not stained. Useprofessional art methods to manage aesthetic attributes, use therichness of the world to create a picture quality background, andpaint elegantly and vulgarly, which is very rich in the artisticatmosphere of the times. No matter from the perspective of structureor theme, there is a deep momentum of innovation, and the artisticcharm of simplicity will inevitably become an aesthetic merit passeddown from spring to autumn.































