时间:2024-05-03 22:18:23编辑:
秦翥翊,男,1947 年生,广西阳朔人,大专文化,1966 年就职于阳朔县园林管理所,曾任所长,技术部主任,国家一级高级技师,阳朔县政协二、三、四、五届政协委员。曾任中国盆景艺术家协会常务理事,中国艺术学会终身常务委员。现任香港书法院名誉院长,中国网教中心艺术部客座教授,中国国际艺术网终身艺术顾问,中国书画名家研究会终身名誉主席,中国诗书画名誉院长、中南海诗书画院名誉院长和政协书画院名誉院长等。
Qin Zhuyi, male, born in 1947, is fromYangshuo, Guangxi. He has a college education andwas employed at the Yangshuo County LandscapeManagement Institute in 1966. He has served as thedirector, director of the technical department,national first-class senior technician, andmember of the second, third, fourth, and fifthsessions of the Yangshuo County PoliticalConsultative Conference. Formerly served as anexecutive director of the China Bonsai ArtistsAssociation and a lifelong executive member ofthe China Art Society. The current Honorary Deanof the Hong Kong Calligraphy Academy, VisitingProfessor of the Art Department of the ChinaOnline Education Center, Lifetime Art Advisor ofthe China International Art Network, LifetimeHonorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy andPainting Masters Research Association, HonoraryDean of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting,Honorary Dean of Zhongnanhai Poetry, Calligraphyand Painting Academy, and Honorary Dean of theChinese Political Consultative ConferenceCalligraphy and Painting Academy.