
时间:2024-03-22 09:16:15编辑:


刘继胜,男,汉族,1939 年生。河南省开封市杞县人。原中国民航工会副主席,中国国际航空公司调研员。从小爱好书画,一直在探讨習研,特别在退休后,拜百家为师,取百家之长,经常参加诗书画的交流和国内外大展赛,並荣获众多较高的荣誉。如中国艺圣,世界文化名人,艺坛领袖,领军人物,艺坛巨擘,中国文人典范,一代名家,中国十大艺术大师,世界十大艺术大师,十大人民艺术家,国学领袖,百花奖,百羊奖,百龙奖,金铂奖等等,首届中国文人奖,首届屈原,张择端,齐白石艺术金奖,徐悲鸿和工艺兰亭终身成就奖,共和国和世界文艺最高荣耀奖及最具投资价值艺术金奖,民族文化及国家艺术形象大使,全球中华国粹和世界艺术人物形象象大使,联合国和平文化形象大使等等。

现为国家一级美术师,一级书法师,高级非遗传承师,高级书画创作,高级文学创作师,高级政工师,多家出版社名誉社长,副社长,央广文旅国际合作发展中心等多家媒体和文化单位的秘书长,副秘书长,艺术顾问,艺术总监,北京大学,中国管理科学院,中国楹联学会,瑞士及英国皇家艺术学院客座教授,院士。联合国非遗管理中心副理事长,北京世纪采风书画院副院长,国际羲之书画院副院长,水墨巨匠艺术研究院主席,刘继胜世界和平艺术学院名誉院长(唯一)中国老年书画研究中心副主任,全国书画艺术委员会副主席,CCTV 在线常务副主席,央广文旅和胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心副主席兼评估专家,鉴定专家。

Liu Jisheng, male, Han ethnicity, was born in 1939.Born in Qi County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province. Former Vice Chairman of the Civil Aviation Union of China and Researcher at Air China. I have had a passion for calligraphy and painting since I was young, and have been exploring and researching. Especially after retirement, I became a teacher of the Hundred Schools and learned from their strengths. I often participate in poetry, calligraphy, and painting exchanges, as well as domestic and foreign exhibitions and competitions,and have won many high honors. Such as Chinese art saints, world cultural celebrities, art leaders,leading figures, art giants, Chinese literati models,a generation of celebrities, China's top ten art masters, the world's top ten art masters, ten people's artists, Chinese culture leaders, Hundred Flowers Award Award, Hundred Sheep Award, Hundred Dragons Award,Gold Platinum Award, etc., the first Chinese literati award, the first Qu Yuan, Zhang Zeduan, Qi Baishi ArtGold Award, Xu Beihong and Arts Orchid Pavilion Lifetime Achievement Award, The highest honor award and the most investment value art gold award for the Republic and the world's literature and art,ambassadors for national culture and artistic image,ambassadors for global Chinese cultural heritage and world artistic figures, ambassadors for United Nations peace culture image, and so on.

I am currently a national first-class artist,first-class calligrapher, senior intangible cultural heritage inheritor, senior calligraphy and painting creation, senior literary creation, senior political worker, honorary president and vice president of multiple publishing houses, secretary general, deputy secretary general, artistic consultant, artistic director, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, Chinese Association of Couplets,and other media and cultural units, Visiting Professor and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Vice Chairman of the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Management Center,Vice President of Beijing Century Caifeng Calligraphyand Painting Institute, Vice President of International Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Institute,Chairman of Ink and Painting Master Art Research Institute, Honorary Dean of Liu Jisheng World Peace Art Institute (the only), Vice Director of China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Center, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Executive Vice Chairman of CCTV Online, Vice Chairman and Evaluation Expert of China Central Television Cultural Tourism and Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, Appraisal expert.